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Let's Talk about Dyslexia
- Research done by Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) into dyslexia in the UK showed that :
- 70% of Juvenile delinquents are dyslexic.
- 50% of Adolescents in Drug & Alcohol Rehab are dyslexic.
- 35% of Dyslexics, will drop out of school.
- 35% of Apprentices between the ages of 19-60 – have different types of learning differences with Dyslexia being the most common.
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What is Dyslexia?
Dyslexia is a difference in the brain that impacts the way it processes data. The unique manner in which a dyslexic individual processes information can create strengths. For example in problem-solving, verbal reasoning, creativity, and the bigger picture thinker. The dyslexic person can also find it challenging in a traditional learning environment to spell, write, and do math.
Dyslexia is a common learning difficulty which is genetic and runs in families. Even so, with research based interventions and proper classroom accommodation for the dyslexic, students overtime will learn and exhibit confident in reading, writing and understanding.
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Signs of Dyslexia
Learners with dyslexia struggle with breaking down and holding on to sounds that make up words which may help to make it challenging to learn to read and spell. Some other things to look for are: difficulties in rapid naming of common colours and objects. In addition, learner with dyslexia may have difficulties concentrating, memory, organising and prioritising work.
Some individuals with dyslexia are able to read in the early years of their education but but experience challenges later on as the school workload increases. This will highlight that this child may require more time to process their thoughts and so will require extra time to complete tasks such as test or exams which may not always reflect how much the dyslexic student has learned.
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Benefits of Dyslexia Thinking Skills
Dyslexia is a difference in the brain that impacts the way it processes data. and the bigger picture thinkers which are skills sought after by Intelligence Agencies like Britain’s GCHQ..
The dyslexic person can also find it challenging to spell, write, and do math within a traditional learning environment. Dyslexia is a common learning difficulty with 1 in every 5 person being diagnosed.
Dyslexia is genetic and it runs in families but with research based interventions and proper classroom accommodation of dyslexia, students with dyslexia can learn and exhibit confident in reading, writing and understanding.
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Importance of Identifying Individuals with Dyslexia
Identifying that a child has dyslexia is crucial for the child, parents and teachers to understand why there is a mismatch in what an individual seems capable of doing and the work they produce which is a strong indicator of dyslexia.
It is important that student’s are empowered to see their own strengths, parents are supported to gain better awareness, and teachers are coached on the best practices for dyslexia to create a success team for learners with dyslexia. Doing so takes the word dyslexia from a word surrounded with fear to a word surrounded with strength and acceptance. If an educator as concerns that a student might be dyslexic they should inquire of the process around referring that student to get the necessary help needed as each school will be unique in how it caters for the different types of student's needs within its institution.
The Value of Dyslexia Reports
"The world of work is changing. The often talked about 'skills gap' shows a need for creative, different thinkers to make sense of the rapid change and the disruption we’re facing in the world today. Dyslexic individuals have a range of natural strengths that make them ‘hard wired’ to step right in and fill this gap".KATE GRIGGS